This week I bottled my newest brew, Saisonal Release. It's a 7.5% ABV light amber French Saison brewed with German, Belgian and domestic malts, and bright and clean American and English hops. Scope the pictures, dudes and dudettes:
Also this week, half of the new gruit was transferred to secondary fermentation. It weighed in at 7.5%, and will continue to climb a little farther as the East Coast Ale yeast metabolizes the last of the fermentable sugars. It will be a sweet, pungent, deep copper ale with the strong and subtle aromas and flavors of it's many herbs. The second half of this batch is still swirling away in a frothy bath of blended dry English ale and Scotch ale yeasts, an unusually long primary fermentation.
That's it. Many more unboring things to come just as soon as I make them. Salud, cheers, prost!
-Stevie B