And now for the big damn deal you’ve been itchin for: The second annual Night o’ Beer, Bread ‘n’ Cheese is going down on Friday October 7, the year of our Yeast: twenty-eleven. Catch the best gall-dang cheeses from here and there, with waaaaay too much awesome beer and all the freaky delicious fixins. Last year saw 13 artisan cheeses, Mexican chocolate, home-made pickles, 14 different beers, wild boar sausage, lowered inhibitions, and a hell of a lot of fun.
Join us this year as Two Tun Brewery opens its doors to celebrate over two ears of brewing killer ales without a single party foul. Our brand new 4-tap draught beer system will be pouring, as well as a selection of special bottles, including BIG ED Imperial Stout. Same as last time: there’s only 30 tickets, first come, first served. We’ll be starting at 6pm this time, and goin as long as it takes!
You know the slogan: Come Hungry, Leave Drunk! Now please enjoy some slides from the trip…
Hell yes! that's the BIG ED
Four taps means over 20 gallons of suds
I said there'd be bottles. There'll be bottles.
So you want tickets? Tell me about it:
Like the idea of way too much beer? This January we'll be doing our first Strong Beer night, so let's see that chest hair, tough guy. Hey, we're just trying to keep warm the old fashioned way.