Saturday, October 30, 2010


It has been quite a while since I posted, so this one's mostly pictures and not a lot of blah blah blah.  Dig it.

There's a few shots of the NoBBC preparations.  We enjoyed 16 amazing, domestic and imported artisan cheeses with local, freshly baked french and sourdough breads; 14 different handmade ales; ricotta & cashew-stuffed mushrooms; wild boar sopressata mini sandwiches; and local chocolates, apples and pickles.  Thanks to everyone for coming out, we hit maximum capacity and still managed to talk, dance, and gorge ourselves!  I've already got six new ales stored away for the next event, so check back to find out whenever that will be.

I recently finished bottling a 6.25%ABV Saison brewed with wheat and oats, and I just brewed a new Robust Porter for the cold weather; roasty, thick, and warming.  I also recently bottled the batch of Autumn Ale that I brewed just as the leaves started turning.  It is just shy of 7%ABV, deep red, rich and malty, but well-hopped with good body.  Next up in the kettle is a near-repeat of the last IPA which was a big success.  It's clean and smooth, brewed with caramel malt and bursting at the seams with ferociously fresh, floral, fiscally-responsible hops.  About 6%ABV, and ready before it's too cold for such summery, salubrious suds.

That's all for now, kiddies.  Happy Halloween!

-The Good Doctor
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