Monday, December 6, 2010

But a taste...

Dear devoted reader,  this post is for you.  You have arduously sloshed through interminable months of propaganda and indoctrination on this blog page, and now a treat: eye candy and simple beer-soaked advertisement prose.

I snapped a few shots from the last brewday, making a 10 gallon batch of Saisonal Release, my Belgian farmhouse pale ale with wheat and oats.  I hardly got any of this one last time I brewed it, so it's back, (or will be,) around New Years but look sharp, it doesn't last long.  From left to right, that's the Lauter Tun, The Mash Tun (Two Tuns!) and the Hot Liquor Tank.

Mmmmm... whole cone American hops and foamy cereal porridge.

I also recently got back some glamour shots of a few beers circa early Autumn.  That's Four Stitch Porter and Saisonal Release.  Thanks to Dr. R.P.S. for the hard work.  Those beers don't balance themselves!

Lastly, I'll leave you with an inventory love letter from the cellar.  In bottles now I have Wild Gruit Ale (9%), Smoked Porter, and Smoked Vanilla Porter (5.5%ABV).  In fermentation now is the new Saisonal Release (est 6%ABV), the new Autumn Amber Ale (est 7%ABV), and an extra fermenter housing an experimental blend of the two!  Expect to see these all in bottles, and yes, KEGS!!! by the end of the month.

By mid-January I would like to brew another batch of the oak & vanilla-aged Cocoa Imperial Stout that debuted at the Night of Beer Bread and Cheese.  This is a tremendously big beer, with 5 lbs of malt per gallon, ounce upon ounce of whole cone hops, pounds of organic cocoa and brown sugar; and aged for 6 months on hand-planed and oven-toasted oak shavings and Madagascar vanilla beans.  Get in touch at if you would like to get your hands on some of this one, it will not be available to the public.

I'll leave you good people with some photos of the first two kegged batches, Stevie's Standard Stout and Yale Pale Ale.

Cheers, Prost, Salute!
~Dr. B