Sunday, February 19, 2012

NoSB: a Retrospecitve

Hindsight is never 20/20 when you're wearing official D.A.R.E. drunk goggles, yet again I forsook the camera for a pint during the NoSB (No Shitty Beer, according to some).  What I did manage to capture was mostly prep, so have a gander, friends.  And no, I haven't been sleeping it off since the Night, I'm a busy guy, what with all the procrastinating I've had to do.  Beggars can't be boozers after all... or is that right?
gruyere...                                                      and gruyere
the local queso spread
fixins for soft pretzels                                    and some 'bellitas
the fondue victims
toasting ground cashew for the shrooms
filling: caramelized onion, ricotta, parmesan, cashew and mushroom stems

And there was beer.  And the brewer tasted the beer and saw that it was good.  And the brewer called it ale, and divided it from the lager.  And thus was born Batch #79: ye olde Gruit ale.  And it had many herbs and great flavor and much alcohol; and from its hulls was conjured a light lager, to be chilled for months on end and enjoyed whilst reaping one's lawn in the temperate season.  And there were pictures, and they looked thusly: